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Emotional hunger.. Has it happened to you that while you are at home you suddenly start eating compulsively without being able to stop and you don't know why? You eat without being hungry, it seems that this compulsive eating is going to satisfy something momentary; but unfortunately it is not so The answer is that it is usually to satisfy the emotional needs, never physical. We all know that eating is a pleasure and it is so because it generates dopamine and gives us (feeling of happiness.) Did you know that there are hormones in our stomach? That is why good nutrition is so important to maintain our insulin goes down and that also contain all the macro nutrients and micro nutrients ATTENTION: THE PROBLEM IS NOT THE FOOD BUT THE CAUSES THAT MAKE YOU EAT COMPULSIVELY. What happens next... After a binge, a person feels bad. Why? Because this has not really solved the problem I had, but has also generated guilt, shame or remorse, so the binge has served little purpose. RESULTS? MORE ANXIETY BINGE... The causes of these binges are usually: Low self-esteem. People with low self-esteem and insecurity feel dissatisfied on a regular basis and when uncertainty and emptiness threaten them again They often try to fill this void with food. Poor emotional management: Emotions have a greater weight than we think, unfortunately it is not a subject at school, in which they teach us how to manage the emotions we may experience when talking about our lives, in fact socially we are taught to repress or hide them since socially it seems to be a symptom of weakness. But nothing further, a good learning of how to manage our emotions will make us healthier human beings. YOU FEEL IDENTIFIED? Excessive self-control.. And when I talk about self-control, I mean spending days and days without eating until you finally can't stand it anymore and you eat without a tomorrow... Learning to eat a good, healthy daily diet will ensure that you do not have to live in restrictions. It takes time but I assure you it is worth it. WHAT YOU SHOULD DO TO CONTROL IT It takes time.. but it's worth it First, improve your self-esteem. Acceptance, self-knowledge, self-respect will automatically lower your anxiety levels. It sounds easy like that, but with guidelines and daily work with yourself you will achieve it. You have to understand your brain and for that, the help of a good psychologist is essential. GET A HORMONAL STUDY BINGE... -Why do I really have anxiety? -When does it happen? -It's just after a problem that it hits me anxiety about eating? -What happens or what do I think right after eating? Identify situations. You will surely find that your visit to the kitchen coincides with moments of stress and excessive worry. Hormonal changes in women also produce these symptoms, and identifying them can help you a lot with self-control. Relax. It is a fact that we live in a stressed society, it is one of the five causes of death in our society, as much as you do not want to believe it, it generates many other diseases. There are many ways to relax, find yours. Start meditating, even if it's just for three minutes spread out over several moments of the day. This will help you change your mood and reduce your anxiety. Sleep well Not getting enough sleep makes us more tired and irritable. and it also has a direct effect on our body, increasing hunger levels. Do physical exercise Moderate physical exercise helps us increase dopamine levels (in the same way that it happens when we eat) and relaxes accumulated tension, making it an essential ally when it comes to reducing anxiety, stress and tension levels. Drink a lot more water : we often confuse thirst with hunger. So in those moments when you are interrupted by that sudden, urgent and immediate feeling of eating something at the wrong time, drink water, this can help temporarily remove the intense feeling of hunger due to anxiety. Eat slowly: enjoy the moment of eating, don't be in a hurry, eat Stay calm and chew your food more and better. This way you will do a great favor to your stomach and to your health in every sense. You will have better digestion and the feeling of satiety after eating will also increase. Eat more protein and less sugar: foods and products with high levels of sugar satiate in the short term but then this sensation disappears very quickly. On the contrary, foods rich in protein and sugar are very satisfying. Proteins keep us full for longer and are healthier (meats, fish, cheeses, seitan, tofu, etc...), that said, change your habits and eat more protein. Add more fiber to your diet: as in the previous point, foods rich in fiber will also make you feel more satiated and in this way reduce anxiety and hunger. Eat whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, more legumes, nuts and brown rice. Incorporate low-calorie foods that satisfy hunger, such as energy bars, shakes or even pills that will keep the urge to snack between meals at bay. Take care of your diet Other aids that may be useful to you in relation to nutrition and feeling better satiated are: Hot infusions, such as pennyroyal-mint, chamomile, tea, rooibos, linden... They also help us feel more satiated. But what should you eat if you really think you're really hungry? Something healthier, a piece of fruit for example. Look for other types of rewards. I say this because we often see people who eat throughout the week, rewarding their effort with food. unhealthy. Remember that we live in a world where we are harassed with consumption indiscriminate consumption of foods that are neither healthy nor necessary. It doesn't mean you can never eat any of them again, it means that you learn to eat foods from the earth and that are not entirely prefabricated by companies since the nutrients in these are scarce Low quality and unhealthy in most cases contraindicated for good health. SEEK HELP FROM A PROFESSIONAL If you recognize yourself in this text and you are encouraged to make a change in your life, I await your email from the website www.elyperez.com Also specifying to me that you have this problem, you will have my help and that of the team psychologist. Remember that everything you want to achieve will be made possible by you. #vulnerabilities #food #health #tips